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Theatre Productions

Healed is the second play in the restoration trilogy. Pre is out of the asylum and has realised that her self worth and healing are in her own hands and not to be determined by others. But the struggle is real. She has to break loose from the stagnant and broken relationships that seek to hold her back. It is time to be free.


End The silence
End The Silence asks why the clergy would cover up the abuse of its children, follows the struggles of six women in their fight for justice and to have their voices heard. End The Silence examines the intoxication of power and its ability to corrupt all that are caught in its web.

Cast Talk:

My Brother Jamal
Basra, Iraq. During the ceasefire, helicopter gunships, shell and machine gun an abandoned police station. Within, four soldiers; two Iraqi, one British and one American pit wits, ideology, and steel, as they fight for survival. When dawn finally breaks, the realisation is chilling.

When No One is Watching
When No One is Watching takes a hard look at faith, greed, and hypocrisy as eight celebrities renowned for their public gestures of philanthropy implode as an examination of their private lives reveals their true character

The story of three ladies who believe they are locked in a prison cell and heavily guarded by a sadistic female warden, only to find that the prison was in their mind and the only thing binding them was their fear of independent thinking.

Why we believe
What makes us different?
To Be or Not to Be: Is THAT the Question

Out Of Many
Caught in a snowstorm, a disparate group of inexperienced adventurers discover an abandoned hut on the side of the mountain.

Provisions are limited, there is no way out, they are not alone

Thou Shalt Not
2 men, 1 woman, 10 commandments
Somewhere, somehow, something had to break

Intense. An engaging piece. A well-written, well -acted drama.
The New Christian Herald

Theatre's great secret is out. Carmel Greystone is one of London's best-kept secrets.
The Kentish Times

A strong cast & a well-written script. An intensity brought about by the quality of the acting. You are actually in the room with them gaining an insight into their minds.
The Kentish Times

A sparky performance from Ellen-Gayle Harewood that appealingly draws out the contradictions of the character.
The Stage

The past year had been a disaster; Pre, Sax, and Diamond have suffered abuse, beatings and humiliation. With an empty bottle and a full glass in hand they stand on the threshold of a new year. No more. They are determined, resolute. No matter what the cost, things are about to change. Three women, three lives. One dream. Respect.

A powerful portrayal Must be seen.
African Caribbean Leadership Council

Considerably better than some productions that promise much more than they can deliver.
The Voice Newspaper

Redemption Song
This musical takes the audience on a journey of desire, love, control, and sacrifice. When their homeland is destroyed, Chad & Lydia must escape from the bounty-hunting Dragoneers to get to their promised spiritual home in Gezeriah. Only there will Lydia find the remedies for the poison sapping her life away. Along the way many travellers offer assistance, but can they be trusted or are their sights set on the bounty?

Unparalleled voices, unparalleled songs.
RASA Intercultural Centre Holland

Beautifully sung, highly infectious, truly joyous and uplifting.
The Stage

A delight and hugely enjoyed by the audience.